Saturday, July 26, 2008

Appendices provided for the 1990 Census

Appendix C, Accuracy of the Data is available here:

Table C was left off. For Vermont, Table C is available in Table 1 of my paper:

Data users were instructed to determine a standard error for their Census estimate of interest, based upon a 1-in-6 sampling rate. They could accomplish this either by using a table provided in Appendix C, or by using a formula provided in Appendix C (similar to the formula above).

Then, data users were to multiply this result by a Design Factor provided in Table C. The Design Factor varied depending on the actual sampling rate (as mentioned in the Appendix, actual sampling rates varied from 1-in-8 to 1-in-2).

The Design Factor was an average of the ratios of the Random Groups standard-error estimator to the simple-random-sampling standard error (based on a 1-in-6 sampling ratio).

More on the Random Groups standard-error estimator next time.

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